Bigger, Bolder, Hippo

    Designed for
  • Hippo
    Area of business
  • Influencer Marketing
    Provided with
  • Brand Identity
  • Website

HEAVY helped kick things off with Danish Influencer Rasmus Kolbe to create a big and bold entry into influencer management

Hippo was kicking off in the influencer world with Rasmus Kolbe at the helm, and a lineup of top Danish influencers.

They needed a brand that would bring some fun and fresh energy into a market led by suits.

We designed a visual identity that reflected Hippo’s fun and fresh vibe. Using a dynamic and simple illustrative design language that could turn anything “hippo”, we made sure Hippo wasn’t just another name but an agency that really clicked with a younger audience.

Our design wasn’t just about looks. Hippo caught attention and, down the road, got bought and merged with CUBE – the leading influencer agency in Scandinavia.

Starting as a cool new name and growing into a major player in the Nordic influencer scene.



  • Mathilde Boe Photography
  • Rasmus Kolbe Photography & Illustration
  • Kristine Sloth Photography